David Brent

David Brent
David Brent - If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence you ever tried.

Contacting Mrs Miller

If at any point you need to contact me for support or guidance with your coursework, don't hesitate to contact me on millere@turton.uk.com

Friday 18 December 2020

21 Tuesday 12th January week1

Period 1 - Year 7XC English Continue with SOL...

Period 2- Free

Period 3 - Free
Period 4- Year 8YA English
Continue SOL...

Period 5 - Year 10 English
Continue reading Lord of the Flies - annotating in reading book...

21 Monday 11th January - week 1

Period 1 - Year 8XC English
Continue with SOL
Period 2- Year 7 XD Music
- Lesson 6 go through the answer to Page 14 and continue with PP Lesson 6.

Period 3 -Year 7 XB Music

Lesson 6 Go through the answers on slide 15 and continue with Lesson 6 on PP.
Period 4 - Year 10 English

Period 5 - Year 7XC English

Madame Ota re-write has been finished. Up to lesson 11 on Year 7 English SOL on alter egos.

21 Friday 8th January Week 2

Period 1 - Year 8XC English

Continue with SOL Period 2- Year 8YA English

Continue with SOL Week 5 Period 3 - Year 10 English

Lord of the Flies Period 4 - Year 8XB Music

Lesson 5 page 12 Period 5 - Year 8YC Music

Up to Page 39 of booklet. Lesson 5.

21 Thursday 7th January week 2

Period 1 - Year 7YA Music

Next lesson PP lesson 6 Page 33. Period 2 - Year 8XD Music

Next lesson - They need to finish labelling all of the notes to complete the tasks properly, then go through page 14 answers on Lesson 6. Period 3 - Year 10 English

Continue with Lord of the Flies

Period 4 - Free

Period 5 - Year 8XC English

Continue with SOL

21 Wednesday 6th January week 2

Extra assessment sheets for Music are in LFB pigeon hole for those students who were isolating. Period 1 - PSHE Year 9 or free?

Period 2- Year 7YC Music in C16
Lesson 5 Explain what a barline is and then go through the answers on page 31, then continue.

Period 3 -
Year 8 English - Continue with SOL

week 4 - How does the writer use imagery? Period 4 - Year10 English
Re-cap all the chapters so far... Lord of the Flies - Chapter 8 - read from page 149 last paragraph - "At length even this palled...."

Period 5 - Year 7XC English
Continue with SOL

Lesson 3 week 4 - Slide 15 - How does the writer use imagery?

Thursday 17 December 2020

Parrenthorn - Friday 18th December 2020 - Week 1

Period 1- Year 8XC English

Watch the rest of Mission Impossible
Homework - write a review - on blog and Show My Homework

Period 2 - Year 8YA English
Watch the rest of Mission Impossible
Homework - write a review - on blog and Show My Homework

Period 3 - Year 10 English

Reading Lord of the Flies - Chapter 8 - read up to page 149
Homework: To read the links provided on Tuesday's lesson, which gives you an overview of the Lord of the Flies chapters.
Period 4 - Year 8XB Music

Check where they are up to...

FORM MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL! I've enjoyed teaching each and every one of you! You're all doing an amazing job, especially with what is going on in the world at the moment! Keep going and always try your very best that's all anyone can ever ask of you! :) Mrs Miller

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Parrenthorn - Thursday 17th December 2020 week1

Period 1 Year 7YA Music
Page 39 in the booklet lesson 4 go through the answers to that page. Next lesson PP lesson 6 Page 33.

Period 2 - Year 8XD Music
Finish lesson 5 and move onto lesson 6. Next lesson - They need to finish labelling all of the notes to complete the tasks properly, then go through page 14 answers on Lesson 6.

Period 3 - Year 10 English

Page 128 - write down how Ralph and Simon changes... gathering quotes....Read chapter 8

How does Golding explore human nature through violence with reference to killing?

Ben and Sophie we read the rest of chapter 7 - we are now up to chapter 8! :) Please catch up for tomorrow's lesson. And Sophie please fidn a quote for Ralph and for Simon and write a paragraph using PEETIL+C analysing the physical or mental changes in Ralph and Simon.

Period 4 - Free

Period 5 - Year 8XC English
Film review of spy films...
https://www.nme.com/reviews/film-reviews/rebecca-review-netflix-2784792 take a look at Rebecca trailer and go through the review.
Lesson Intention : To understand the codes and conventions of a film review.
Opinion with reference to storyline, comparison/link to other films.
Watching Mission Impossible (12)

Homework: Research the Director (Christopher McQuarrie)of the film, write a list of films he has directed! And watch Mission IMpossible Rogue Nation trailer, also watch the Mission Impossible TV programme - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iemY7zkbuo4

Parrenthorn Wednesday 16th December 2020 - Week 1

Period 1 - Free
Period 2 - Year 7YC Music Page 11 finished, still on lesson 4 - Lesson 5 Go through the

Period 3 - Year 8YA English Film review of spy films...
https://www.nme.com/reviews/film-reviews/rebecca-review-netflix-2784792 take a look at Rebecca trailer and go through the review.
Lesson Intention : To understand the codes and conventions of a film review.
Opinion with reference to storyline, comparison/link to other films.
Watching Mission Impossible (12)
24 mins
Homework: Research the Director (Christopher McQuarrie)of the film, write a list of films he has directed! And watch Mission IMpossible Rogue Nation trailer, also watch the Mission Impossible TV programme - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iemY7zkbuo4 Period 4 - PSHE Year 9 - coercive relationships (all relationships PP have been completed). Tomorrow's lesson .... Year 10 English

Page 128 - write down how ralph changes... gathering quotes....Read chapter 8
What has Simon come to realise about the beast?
What is Simon's relationship with the beast?
How does Golding explore human nature through violence with reference to killing?
Period 5 - Year 7 XC English

Watching the film Christmas Carol.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Parrenthorn - Tuesday 15th December 2020 - Week1

Period 1 - Year 7XC English in C20 Lesson 10 Slide 93

Period 2- Free


Period 3 -Free

Period 4 - Year 8YA English in B4

Poster lesson - Slide 11-13

Period 5 - Year 10 English
Chapter 6

Complete chapter 6 and start chapter 7. Compare the ways in which Golding represtents setting.
Character changes for Ralph in Chapter 7 - What are they? Up to page 127... A PLOTS SUMMARY IS PROVIDED ON THE LINK BELOW! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zxckd2p/revision/2 The following link is a summary of each chapter! https://www.brighthubeducation.com/homework-help-literature/34661-lord-of-the-flies-chapter-summaries/

Monday 14 December 2020

Parrenthorn Monday 14th December 2020 Week 1

Period 1 - Year 8XC English - Lesson 2 week 4. Poster completed

Period 2 - Year 7 XD Music go through answers for page 13 on Lesson 5, then begin lesson 6.

Period 3 - Year 7 XB Complete assessment for Year 7XB - to complete assessment.

Period 4 -10LFB EN

Complete chapter 5... Read Chapter 6
What is Sam n Eric's account of the beast?
How does Simon change?
What does the parachutist represent?
Slide 20 discuss the questions.
Period 5 - Year 7XC English - Jacob to re-do the assessment with TA.

Lesson 9 Slide 83

Thursday 10 December 2020

Parrenthorn - Friday 11th December 2020 week 2

Period 1 - Year 8 XC English

Period 2 - Year 8 YA Englsih
Period 3- Year 10 English
Bullet point chapter 4 - How is violence and savagery described? SAvagery (pig) Violence (piggy) - foreshawdowing things to come?

Read Chapter 5 - highlighting quotes depicting symbolism. allegory and micrcosym.

Period 4 - Year 8XB Music

Period 5 Year 8YC Music (Kay's class)
Assessment Up to page 39 of booklet. - Tests to be completed today.

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Parrenthorn - Thursday 10th December 2020 Week 2

Period 1
- Year 7 YA/Music - Assessment Page 39 in the booklet lesson 4 go through the answers to that page.

Period 2 - Year 8 XD Music - Assessment - Lesson 6

Period 3- Year 10 English

Mind map of Simon what he looks like. - Slide 18 of Chapter 3. Then read Chapter 4

Period 4 free

Period 5- Year 8XC English - Spy Fiction Lesson 1 week 4.

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Parrenthorn - Wednesday 8th December 2020 - Week 2

Period 1 - PSHE Year 9

Period 2- Year 7YC Music in C16
Assessment Page 11 finished, still on lesson 4
Period 3
our homework was: For those of you that didn't complete the work: RED, Natoyah, Will, Tario, please comeplete the following work for Friday's lesson:

Do Now: Create a vocabulary tree for the word ‘said’

Challenge: Create a sentence with at least two of your words

Watch the following clip (STOP at 7.10) to avoid swear word)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqocrvv26eo

Write a mini spy story about the clip (mission Impossible) using the vocabulary below:
Towering -Incredibly tall
Unbelievable –Hard to believe
Peril – Being in serious or immediate danger
Jeopardy – Being in serious or immediate danger
Precariousness – Being dangerous or likely to collapse
Interlaced –Being interwoven or all mixed up together
Audacious –A willingness to take risks
Valiant - Possessing or showing courage or determination
To help you, please see the sentence starters below: Sentence Starters:
As Ethan looked out at the awe-inspiring view, he thought…
The glove fell and …
Slowly, painfully, he started climbing as …

Lesson 2 of week 4 - Creating a poster

Period 4 - Year10 English

Write a comparison chart in terms of how Jack has changed - picking out quotes from Chapter 1 to Chapter 3. Slide 9 then slide 7, then Slide 12, discussing hte question. Moving on to lesson 2.

Period 5 - Year 7 English Assessment

Parrenthorn - Tuesday 8th December 2020 - week 2

Period 1 - Year 7XC English C20

Lesson 80 continue with story of description of image improving sentences along the way within planning. Period 2 - Free
Period 3 - Year 7 XD Music
Assessment took place today
Next lesson - go through answers for page 13 on Lesson 5, then begin lesson 6.

Period 4 Year 8 YA
Your homework was to :
You are going to write a short extract from YOUR OWN spy story. In the extract, like Hashim in ‘The Devil May Care, your hero is waiting to meet someone.
Plan your work and then write your extract, focusing on structure, variety and effect of your sentences.
You could include: Short sentences for dramatic impact
A series of coordinate clauses to give a sense of pace
Subordinate clause to add descriptive detail

Choose one sentence from your writing and annotate underneath your chosen sentence, write down what you think the effect of the sentence is.
Begin Week 3 PP
Homework: For those of you that didn't complete the work: RED, Natoyah, Will, Tario, please comeplete the following work for Friday's lesson:

Do Now: Create a vocabulary tree for the word ‘said’

Challenge: Create a sentence with at least two of your words

Watch the following clip (STOP at 7.10) to avoid swear word)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqocrvv26eo

Write a mini spy story about the clip (mission Impossible) using the vocabulary below:
Towering -Incredibly tall
Unbelievable –Hard to believe
Peril – Being in serious or immediate danger
Jeopardy – Being in serious or immediate danger
Precariousness – Being dangerous or likely to collapse
Interlaced –Being interwoven or all mixed up together
Audacious –A willingness to take risks
Valiant - Possessing or showing courage or determination
To help you, please see the sentence starters below: Sentence Starters:
As Ethan looked out at the awe-inspiring view, he thought…
The glove fell and …
Slowly, painfully, he started climbing as …
The following students need to hadn in their homework from today in the office before lesson begins in order to prevent a or another detention!
Ethan Alfi Tario Leo Daegan Will Period 5 - Year 10 English

Chapter 3 lessons - exploring Jack's character in more depth. Starter - Re-cap for newcomers -Answer the questions using PEETIL+C on slide 5 of Chapter lesson 5. Our Jack & Sophie - you need to complete all of the questions for homework. Ava and Sophie you also need to read chapters 2 and 3 by tomorrow.

Monday 7 December 2020

Parrenthorn - Monday 7th December 2020 - Week 2

Period 1 Year 8XC English - Complete PEETIL + C (last part of the lesson is on iphone images of board). Lesson 3 - Slide 24 - Their own example of PEETTIL+C has been completed. Finish off lesson - Period 2 - Year 11 Cover for Ms Keeton - Reg Period 3
Assessment didn't take place - no assessment sheets. Year 7XB - go through the answers to page 33 on Lesson 5. Crochet rests, then continue.
Next lesson: Lesson 6 Go through the answers on slide 15. (DT for issued)
Period 4 - Year 10 English
Homework was to finish PEETIL+C answering the following question - How does Golding present the island and the fire? Continue with Chapter 2 lesson - Everybody will be back in class - they need to recap chapter 1 and 2.

Mind map the story to the end of chapter 2 and read chapter 3.

Period 5 Year 7 XC English - onto slide 71 lesson 8.

Lesson 80 next.

Thursday 3 December 2020

Parrenthorn - Friday 4th December 2020

Period 1 - Year 8 XC/En in B2
As soon as you come into lesson get on with annotating the paragraphs you completed in yesterday's lesson.
Terminology re-cap: A co-ordinate clause is the combination of clauses, and the use of a conjunction to introduce one of them.

Slide 18 - Lesson 3 Period 2 - Year 8YA/En in B4

PEETIL+C means the following. Last lesson students were introduced to this and began attempting to answer in this way to reach a higher level.
Terminology (zoom in on language- discuss 1 word from the quote)
Imapact on the reader
Link back to question
Today we will finish off lesson 3 beginning on feedback from slide 24. Then creating own spy extract, then providing feedback. Homework: You are going to write a short extract from YOUR OWN spy story. In the extract, like Hashim in ‘The Devil May Care, your hero is waiting to meet someone. Plan your work and then write your extract, focusing on structure, variety and effect of your sentences. You could include: Short sentences for dramatic impact A series of coordinate clauses to give a sense of pace Subordinate clause to add descriptive detail

Period 3 - Year 10 English in B10

Chapter 2 has been read - PP
Period 4 - Year 8XB Music in B1 (first meeting!) Provide blog details to class.

Period 5 - Year 8YC Music in B7

Finish off worksheets for homework: Next lesson on Friday 4th December. - Second time of teaching - start on the Music lessons interactive PP lesson 5/6.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Parrenthorn - Thursday 3rd December 2020

Period 1 - Year 7YA/Music in C18 Started on the Music lesson need to see where they are up to again...on lesson 5/6

Period 2- Year 8XD/Music in B3 Begin interactive PP lessons - check where they are up to. (Basil was only student last lesson)

Period 3- Year 10 English in B10
Starter : Foreshawdowing, discuss characters then read chapter 2.
Period 4- Free

Period 5 - Year 8XC/English in B2
Homework: Deadline Thursday
Look again at the sentence from the extract:
‘A short figure in an army greatcoat came into the sodium light.’
Try changing the writer’s choices:
Think of a noun to replace ‘figure’.
Think of a verb to replace ‘came’.
Think of an adjective to replace ‘short’.
Think of prepositional phrase to replace ‘in an army greatcoat’.
Think of an adverb or adverbial phrase to replace ‘into the sodium light’.
What is the effect of the changes you have made.
Now, try reorganising the sentence above. How many different ways can you structure it?

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Parrenthorn - Wednesday 2nd December 2020 - Week 1

Period 1 - Free

Period 2 - Year 7YC Music in C16 (changed to PSHE lesson with Year 9 - rota) Page 11 finished, still on lesson 4 (Lesson interrupted with talk)

Lesson 4 page 32, did 11 last lesson.

Period 3 - Year 8YA/English Lesson week 3 slide 18 - Today we got up to slide 24, whereby everyone began analysing the text answering the following question using PEETIL+C
How does the writer create tension and drama?
PEETIL+C means - Point, Evidence, Explain, Terminology (zoom in on language, pick out a word from the quote), Impact on the reader, Link back to the question and Context (what was the world like for the characters or the events, at the period the book is about or the time it was written by the author).
Period 4 - Year 10 English in B10 Slide 17 - Imagery

Period 5 - Year 7XC in C20
Slide 66 - lesson 7 - Read the different styles out...

Parrenthorn - Tuesday 1st December 2020 - week 1

Period 1 - Year 7XC English in C20 Slide 64...

Period 2- Free Year 8 - Music cover for Mr Flynn 8YA in B4
Page 11 re-cap.Lesson 6.
Will and Deagan - your homework is to complete the pages of the music booklet that you didn't complete in lesson.

Period 3 - Free

Period 4 - Year 8YA English in B4 (Red's class)

Spy Fiction week 3 slide 11

Period 5 - Year 10 English on B10

Up to - Slide 11.
Next lesson

starter: recap on the extract and the way in which the author presented it to the reader
Create a response, feedback and work together on exemplar.
How does Golding present the island in Chapter One? - Using PEETTIL + C respond to the question.
Self assess
What has happened so far?
Which characters have we met? What do you know about them?
Can you remember any key words/ phrases from the chapter so far?
What do you think will happen next?
Is the island a utopia? Explain your ideas.

I will work in the media...sweedie!

I will work in the media...sweedie!
Media Studies GCSE and A'Level, has really took off over the past 15-20 years...with good reason.
We are bombarded by the media everywhere we turn and the mythical 'glamour' of working in the media has increased. And as a result so have the students!
Which is why it is so important for those who are serious about a career in it, to fend off competition by being one step ahead of the game.
If you do want to work in TV, Radio, Games, then I suggest you develop your CV by gaining as much industry experience as possible. Speaking as an ex-tv producer, I can tell you the media is all about networking. Researching companies, meeting people, developing working relationships and maintaining contact (without mythering!).
Your work ethic needs to be willing and able with an awful lot of enthusiastic attached! Those are the qualities all media employers seek.
You may instantly think about the major TV/Radio companies like GTV and BBC when you imagine the word 'Media'. And yes, you'd be silly not to, they're both based in the North West, so they are accessible in that sense, and they do have fantastic learning opportunities on their work placement schemes. However, you may find you gain a different kind of experience if you choose to seek work experience from a smaller independent production company. Your role may be more varied, thereby getting the opportunity to broaden your skillsbase. So think about what kind of experience you are looking for, do you want to learn more about the workings of the industry or would you prefer it to be 'hands on'.

Interview Techniques

The media is all about ideas! I'm sure you have seen various TV companies asking for programme ideas. Well this is because a producer is one idea away from making their mark.
Therefore even before you get to interview stage you should always produce an idea, the risk of someone using it, without employing you is always there, but if you impress them enough they will call you for an interview and hey presto you can really pitch it to them then.
Pitching is important you have to know everything there is to know about the programme...and I mean every detail. You may be asked, and you don't want to go in with an idea you wote 6 months ago and barely remember.
So the key to any interview is PLANNING and PREPARATION.
Make sure you research the company, the type of programmes they make, the type of programmes they are looking to make.
Look at who commission their programmes, what is their area. A company would not pitch a programme idea of a chat show to a commissioner who specialises in documentary.
Double check that the programme isn't already on air, there is no way to find out if a similar show is in development, but I'm sure you'll be told during the interview. If this happens have a back up. It may sound like a lot of work but it will certainly pay off in the end...
So you've got an interview, you've researched the company and programme ideas. The rest is really up to you, the more you prepare the more confident you will feel, and the less painful it will be, because lets face it sometimes they can be when you're starting out.
Another tips is answer every question as best you can, if you can not think of an answer (we've all been there) ask if you can go back to it, don't dismiss what they are asking.
Take notes in with you, try not to read them word for word. Write down key words as prompts this generally helps and you don't always need them.
Try and gain some experience if you haven't got any at interview stage ensure you are "actively in the process of finding some work based learning".
Finally always thank them for their time, and leave pre-production documents like programme ideas, shooting schedules, and budgets.
One last point, which is imperative never go into an interview and give 'negative' feedback about programmes, as you may be asked to. Watch out because the programmes in question are probably produced by the interview pannel. They are not asking in order to catch you out, they do want genuine feedback but there is a way of doing it, perhaps use sentences like "I would perhaps try to enhance it by incorporating...", or even "I wouldn't change it for the world, we love it in our house!" Some people just can't take criticism very well, so it is best to air on the side of caution more often than not. Plus some media egos are the largest in the world, and the hardest to massage! :)
Good luck!