David Brent

David Brent
David Brent - If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence you ever tried.

Contacting Mrs Miller

If at any point you need to contact me for support or guidance with your coursework, don't hesitate to contact me on millere@turton.uk.com

Friday, 31 January 2020

Friday 31st January 2020

Period 3 - Year 12 Block A 3N5

Watch the rest of No Country for Old Men.
  • Half an hour left. 1.22
Discuss the themes of the film and the characteristics of the main characters.

Page 9 second question how does the visual aesthetic of the film replicate the traditional Western Genre?

Homework deadline Monday:

1) Make notes about the key points made and connections presented within the text. Answer the question, why did the film end in the way it did?

No Country For Old Men - Ending explained

Watch this clip and make notes on the key points and the comparison of the French film. Make sure you write the film title: No Country for Old Men - Another explanation
Analysis of No Country For Old Men

(Eli's class) For those of you on the Art trip can you please ask someone to photograph their notes on themes and characters, and send it to you so you can write your own notes, as we shall be continuing with that on Monday.

Period 6 - Year 12 Block E 3N5

Continue with the PP and making notes.

(Nerea's class) For those of you on the Art trip, this is what you missed. Please copy the notes into your booklet so you are up to date by Monday's lesson. No Country for Old Men catch up for Art Students in period 6 lesson only

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Thursday 30th January 2020

Period 1 - Year 12 Film Block A

  • Watch Old Country for Old Men from 23.00 minutes.

Homework deadline tomorrow: Write about the themes presented within the film and the characteristics of the main characters - Ed (Sheriff), Lewellyn Moss (Josh Brolin) and Chigurh (Javier Bardem). What is their perspective on life?

Period 2 - Year 12 Block E  
Watch the rest of No Country for Old Men.
  • 1.30 mins - half an hour left.
Page 9 second question how does the visual aesthetic of the film replicate the traditional Western Genre?

Homework deadline tomorrow:
1) Make notes about the key points made and connections presented within the text. Answer the question, why did the film end in the way it did?

No Country For Old Men - Ending explained

2) Watch this clip and make notes on the key points and the comparison of the French film. Make sure you write the film titleNo Country for Old Men - Another explanation
Analysis of No Country For Old Men

Friday, 24 January 2020

Friday 24th Jan 2020

Just wanted to send you a quick message to say best of luck in your exams next week!

Prepare well, try your hardest and I'm sure you'll reap the rewards :) 

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Friday 24th January 2020

Similarities and differences of Vertigo and Apocalypse Now

Period 3 - Year 12 Film - Block A

Objective: To apply an essay structure when answering essay questions.

Tips on essay writing based on the essay your wrote -  'Eduqas examiner's report Summer 2019'.

Essay feedback : - 

Compare how far your chosen films reflect their different production contexts.
  • Make sure your comparisons are even.
  • Don't use the same download of information. Do your own background research.
  • Longer responses gave more evidence (therefore greater marks were awarded). The examiners is looking for detail and depth of knowledge.
  • Auteur theory not enough to provide a checklist, you need to have a deeper understanding, 'blonde women'. Stereotype of dumb blonde women a are weaker less intelligent. (patriarchal society, post war representation)
  • You need to show how the studio was restricted by the Hays Code, compared to Independent production companies.
  • Auteur theory needs to be included such as Bazin, Cahiers, Kael, Sarris).
  • Directors working against the system - auteur response.
  • Study production process of the films in details and auteur signatures: What they look like + why they included what they did, what was their style?
  • Weaker responses simply stated that the films were different or the same.
  • Outstanding responses discussed the cinematic comparison of cinematography and editing. i.e. 'Some Like It Hot' influenced by classical style - Bonny & Clyde were influenced by the French New Wave.
  • Similarly, there were some very exciting comparisons of how particular cultural and political events had influenced anti authoritarian figures in Apocalypse Now. (Personified in Rick and Willard)
  • Weaker responses were sweeping generalization of those time periods.
  • Don't confuse the times they were made with the times they were set.
  •  There were some excellent responses on Vertigo and Some Like It Hot that showed how modern some aspects of these films are and how unusual they are, in many respects, for the Classical period. Likewise, there were some good responses that discussed whether gender representations in films like Apocalypse Now and One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest reflected a supposedly post-Feminist America.
  • Some responses chose to examine a particular aspect of the films to compare such as cinematic style, and related this to contextual pressures.
  • Some candidates confused “the times they were made” with the times in which the narratives are set. This was particularly noticeable with Some Like It Hot and Bonnie and Clyde, in some instances candidates thought that Apocalypse Now had been made during the Vietnam War, which led to much confused writing.
  • http://www.screenonline.org.uk/film/id/592022/ - The Hays Code and impact on studios - Censorship
Mock exam breakdown
Example of a mock exam
What are the key areas to discuss in the question? How do we go about answering a question like this?

Essay writing techniques - The perfect paragraph








Link back to question

Question : Compare how masculinity in your chosen films reflects the contexts in which they were made. Refer to particular sequences within your response. (40)

Let's create a perfect paragraph as a class together and then you can continue your comparison thereafter and then you can swap it and mark it, against the mark scheme on the links below:

Mark your partners work constructively, what were they particularly good at and what were they missing?
Period 6 - Year 12 Film - Block E

Objective: To apply an essay structure when answering essay questions.

Tips on essay writing based on the essay your wrote -  'Eduqas examiner's report Summer 2019'.

Essay feedback : - 

Compare how far your chosen films reflect their different production contexts.
  • Make sure your comparisons are even.
  • Don't use the same download of information. Do your own background research.
  • Longer responses gave more evidence (therefore greater marks were awarded). The examiners is looking for detail and depth of knowledge.
  • Auteur theory not enough to provide a checklist, you need to have a deeper understanding, 'blonde women'. Stereotype of dumb blonde women a are weaker less intelligent. (patriarchal society, post war representation)
  • You need to show how the studio was restricted by the Hays Code, compared to Independent production companies.
  • Auteur theory needs to be included such as Bazin, Cahiers, Kael, Sarris).
  • Directors working against the system - auteur response.
  • Study production process of the films in details and auteur signatures: What they look like + why they included what they did, what was their style?
  • Weaker responses simply stated that the films were different or the same.
  • Outstanding responses discussed the cinematic comparison of cinematography and editing. i.e. 'Some Like It Hot' influenced by classical style - Bonny &Clyde were influenced by the French New Wave.
  • Similarly, there were some very exciting comparisons of how particular cultural and political events had influenced anti authoritarian figures in Apocalypse Now. (Personified in Rick and Willard)
  • Weaker responses were sweeping generalization of those time periods.
  • Don't confuse the times they were made with the times they were set.
  •  There were some excellent responses on Vertigo and Some Like It Hot that showed how modern some aspects of these films are and how unusual they are, in many respects, for the Classical period. Likewise, there were some good responses that discussed whether gender representations in films like Apocalypse Now and One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest reflected a supposedly post-Feminist America.
  • Some responses chose to examine a particular aspect of the films to compare such as cinematic style, and related this to contextual pressures.
  • Some candidates confused “the times they were made” with the times in which the narratives are set. This was particularly noticeable with Some Like It Hot and Bonnie and Clyde, in some instances candidates thought that Apocalypse Now had been made during the Vietnam War, which led to much confused writing.
  • http://www.screenonline.org.uk/film/id/592022/ - The Hays Code and impact on studios - Censorship
Mock exam breakdown

Essay writing techniques - The perfect paragraph








Link back to question

Question : Compare how masculinity in your chosen films reflects the contexts in which they were made. Refer to particular sequences within your response. (40)

Let's create a perfect paragraph as a class together and then you can continue your comparison thereafter and then you can swap it and mark it, against the mark scheme on the links below:

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Thursday 23rd January 2020 lesson 2 of mock exam prep

Period 1 - Year 12 Block A - 3N5
Objective: To revise the historical context of the films.
Lesson 2) Historical Context revision and breaking down the exam questions.

Task 1 ) Complete auteur and representation of Apocalypse Now...

Task 2 ) The similarities and differences in themes within both films?

Task 3 ) Test on Industry - ALL NOTES AWAY! -  swap and mark

Period 2 - Year 12 Block E - 3N5
Objective: To revise the historical context of the films.
Lesson 2) Historical Context revision and breaking down the exam questions.

Complete representation of Apocalypse Now...

Task 1 ) Complete representation of Apocalypse Now...

Task 2 ) The similarities and differences in themes within both films?

Task 3 ) Test on Industry - ALL NOTES AWAY! -  swap and mark

Wednesday 22nd January 2020

Period 3 - Year 12 Film, Block A 3S1 - Mock exam prep - Lesson 1

Lesson 1
Objective: To revise the films Vertigo and Apocalypse Now in preparation for mock exams. 

Lesson 1) Spider diagram including Film Form, Representation, Auteur with class feedback.
Lesson 2) Historical Context revision and breaking down the exam questions.
Lesson 3) Structure – class example of a perfect paragraph.

Film Form:

Genre : Vertigo - FILM NOIR & Apocalypse Now - WAR FILM

This is a film by the filmaker Sergei Eisenstein who influenced Francis Ford Coppola -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG_yM7We0C8&safe=active

Style of both auteurs

Spider diagram - revision of the films

Auteur and Representation referring to the following:

Micro and macro elements



 The ending of Vertigo explained

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Tuesday 21st January 2020

Period 2 Year 12 Film - 
Complete feedback first...
Block A class High Noon class notes

I shall provide you with a copy of my teacher notes too.
Teacher notes High Noon

Image result for no country for old men

Objective: To gather evidence of all micro and macro elements of the film. 

Task 1) Watch the film and make notes in your booklets regarding the film - analysing it.

Task 2) What have you noticed about the narrative and characters so far?
How do the codes and conventions differ from classical Hollywood western?

The film will take 2 lessons to watch.

Homework: Revise for Vertigo and Apocalypse Now

Period 4 Year 12 Film
Objective: To revise the films Vertigo and Apocalypse Now in preparation for mock exams. 

Lesson 1) Spider diagram including Film Form, Representation, Auteur with class feedback.
Lesson 2) Historical Context revision and breaking down the exam questions.
Lesson 3) Structure – class example of a perfect paragraph.

Film Form:

Genre : Vertigo - FILM NOIR & Apocalypse Now - WAR FILM

This is a film by the filmaker Sergei Eisenstein who influenced Francis Ford Coppola -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG_yM7We0C8&safe=active

Style of both auteurs

Spider diagram - revision of the films

Auteur and Representation referring to the following:

Micro and macro elements

Links for revision on Vertigo and Apocalypse Now reminder - see below!



 The ending of Vertigo explained

Friday, 17 January 2020




 The ending of Vertigo explained

Friday 17th January 2020

Period 3 -  Year 12 Film Studies 3N5 Block A

Objective: To present analysis of the codes and conventions and ideologies of the micro and macro elements within High Noon.

Image result for high noon image

What does High Noon tell us about the codes and conventions of the traditional Western?

What does High Noon suggest about the ideological messages and values of the traditional Western?

Task 1 ) Present in pairs, making notes at the same time.

Homework (deadline tomorrow, Friday):
Watch the following clip (22mins long) for some historical context of Hollywood film. Make notes on the key points made. Deadline tomorrow. Key points feedback on entry to lesson please. 'The Making of High Noon' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb0ugVibNhM

Class Feedback Block A High Noon

Be prepared to feedback in class. 

Period 6 - Year 12 Film 3N5 Block E

Year 12 Film 3N5 E Block
Complete feedback first...
Block A class High Noon class notes

I shall provide you with a copy of my teacher notes too.
Teacher notes High Noon

Image result for no country for old men

Objective: To gather evidence of all micro and macro elements of the film. 

Task 1) Watch the film and make notes in your booklets regarding the film - analysing it.

Task 2) What have you noticed about the narrative and characters so far?
How do the codes and conventions differ from classical Hollywood western?

The film will take 2 lessons to watch.

Homework (deadline tomorrow, Friday):
Watch the following clip (22 mins long) for some historical context of Hollywood film. Make notes on the key points made. Deadline tomorrow. Key points feedback on entry to lesson please. 'The Making of High Noon' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb0ugVibNhM

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Thursday 16th January 2020

Period 1 - Year 12 Film Block A 3N5
Objective : To continue to analyse the film high noon with reference to your micro/macro element of film.

Image result for high noon image

Task 1)Watch the film making notes on the analysis of the film referring to your particular micro/macro aspect of film.

Task 2) Prepare feedback responses to the 2 questions.

Homework: Prepare your presentations - deadline tomorrow Period 5

Period 2 -  Year 12 Film Studies 3N5 Block E

Objective: To present analysis of the codes and conventions and ideologies of the micro and macro elements within High Noon.

Image result for high noon image

What does High Noon tell us about the codes and conventions of the traditional Western?

What does High Noon suggest about the ideological messages and values of the traditional Western?

Task 1 ) Present in pairs, making notes at the same time.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Wednesday 15th January 2020

Period 3 - Year 12 Block A Film 3S1 
Homework feedback: Circulate the room and add to your notes 5 minutes... Complete a list of the codes and conventions of western genres. Use the micro and macro elements:
"High Noon (1952)
Director:  Fred Zinnemann


Carl Foreman (screenplay by), John W. Cunningham (based on the magazine story "The Tin Star" by) 


Gary CooperGrace KellyThomas Mitchell..."  |(IMDB)

Image result for pic of high noon
Objective : To identify the micro and macro elements and codes and conventions of the western genre.
To explain the ideological messages and values of the traditional western with reference to High Noon.

Task 1) Make notes as class feedback on history of the Classic Hollywood Western.
1st western
Where were they filmed and why? When were they most popular?

Task 2) Feedback opinion of the great train robbery - what is the difference between that and High Noon?

Task 3) Read the booklet together  - slide 3 PP.

Task 4 ) Watch the rest of high noon and make notes on the codes and conventions of westerns and the micro/macro elements of film and what they say about the ideological messages and values of the traditional western.

Task 5 )- Complete page 6 of booklet and feedback answers...

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Tuesday 14th January 2020

Period 2 - Year 12 Block A Film 3S1

Image result for high noon

Objective: To gather evidence of the codes and conventions of Westerns, whilst watching High Noon.

Task 1) Feedback the history of Westerns - making notes.

Task 2) Thoughts and feedback on The Great Train Robbery.

Task 3) Watch and make notes on the codes and conventions of the western genre. Did you notice anything particularly different within the narrative or the characters compared to what you would expect from a Western?

Task 4 ) Feedback

Homework: Complete a list of the codes and conventions of western genres. Use the micro and macro elements:

Period 4 - Year 12 Block E Film 3S1 
Objective: To continue to analyse the film referring to micro/macro elements.

Task 1) Firstly, feedback list of the codes and conventions of western genres. Use the micro and macro elements:

Task 2) Watch the final part of the film : Working in pairs, you need to make sure that you analyse the film in relation to your micro/macro element and where it is seen as a code and convention, and how it creates an ideology for audiences.
Image result for high noon

Homework (deadline Thursday):
Watch the following clip (22mins long) for some historical context of Hollywood film. Make notes on the key points made. Deadline tomorrow. Key points feedback on entry to lesson please. 'The Making of High Noon' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb0ugVibNhM

  • Be prepared to present your analysis to the rest of the class.

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Monday 13th January 2020

Period 3 - 11.30 - 12.40  Year 12 Film Studies - E Block 3S1 

"High Noon (1952)
Director:  Fred Zinnemann


Carl Foreman (screenplay by), John W. Cunningham (based on the magazine story "The Tin Star" by) 


Gary CooperGrace KellyThomas Mitchell..."  |(IMDB)

Image result for pic of high noon
Objective : To identify the micro and macro elements and codes and conventions of the western genre.
To explain the ideological messages and values of the traditional western with reference to High Noon.

Task 1) Make notes as class feedback on history of the Classic Hollywood Western.
1st western
Where were they filmed and why? When were they most popular?

Task 2) Feedback opinion of the great train robbery - what is the difference between that and High Noon?

Task 3) Read the booklet together  - slide 3 PP.

Task 4 ) Watch the rest of high noon and make notes on the codes and conventions of westerns and the micro/macro elements of film and what they say about the ideological messages and values of the traditional western.

Task 5 )- Complete page 6 of booklet and feedback answers...

I will work in the media...sweedie!

I will work in the media...sweedie!
Media Studies GCSE and A'Level, has really took off over the past 15-20 years...with good reason.
We are bombarded by the media everywhere we turn and the mythical 'glamour' of working in the media has increased. And as a result so have the students!
Which is why it is so important for those who are serious about a career in it, to fend off competition by being one step ahead of the game.
If you do want to work in TV, Radio, Games, then I suggest you develop your CV by gaining as much industry experience as possible. Speaking as an ex-tv producer, I can tell you the media is all about networking. Researching companies, meeting people, developing working relationships and maintaining contact (without mythering!).
Your work ethic needs to be willing and able with an awful lot of enthusiastic attached! Those are the qualities all media employers seek.
You may instantly think about the major TV/Radio companies like GTV and BBC when you imagine the word 'Media'. And yes, you'd be silly not to, they're both based in the North West, so they are accessible in that sense, and they do have fantastic learning opportunities on their work placement schemes. However, you may find you gain a different kind of experience if you choose to seek work experience from a smaller independent production company. Your role may be more varied, thereby getting the opportunity to broaden your skillsbase. So think about what kind of experience you are looking for, do you want to learn more about the workings of the industry or would you prefer it to be 'hands on'.

Interview Techniques

The media is all about ideas! I'm sure you have seen various TV companies asking for programme ideas. Well this is because a producer is one idea away from making their mark.
Therefore even before you get to interview stage you should always produce an idea, the risk of someone using it, without employing you is always there, but if you impress them enough they will call you for an interview and hey presto you can really pitch it to them then.
Pitching is important you have to know everything there is to know about the programme...and I mean every detail. You may be asked, and you don't want to go in with an idea you wote 6 months ago and barely remember.
So the key to any interview is PLANNING and PREPARATION.
Make sure you research the company, the type of programmes they make, the type of programmes they are looking to make.
Look at who commission their programmes, what is their area. A company would not pitch a programme idea of a chat show to a commissioner who specialises in documentary.
Double check that the programme isn't already on air, there is no way to find out if a similar show is in development, but I'm sure you'll be told during the interview. If this happens have a back up. It may sound like a lot of work but it will certainly pay off in the end...
So you've got an interview, you've researched the company and programme ideas. The rest is really up to you, the more you prepare the more confident you will feel, and the less painful it will be, because lets face it sometimes they can be when you're starting out.
Another tips is answer every question as best you can, if you can not think of an answer (we've all been there) ask if you can go back to it, don't dismiss what they are asking.
Take notes in with you, try not to read them word for word. Write down key words as prompts this generally helps and you don't always need them.
Try and gain some experience if you haven't got any at interview stage ensure you are "actively in the process of finding some work based learning".
Finally always thank them for their time, and leave pre-production documents like programme ideas, shooting schedules, and budgets.
One last point, which is imperative never go into an interview and give 'negative' feedback about programmes, as you may be asked to. Watch out because the programmes in question are probably produced by the interview pannel. They are not asking in order to catch you out, they do want genuine feedback but there is a way of doing it, perhaps use sentences like "I would perhaps try to enhance it by incorporating...", or even "I wouldn't change it for the world, we love it in our house!" Some people just can't take criticism very well, so it is best to air on the side of caution more often than not. Plus some media egos are the largest in the world, and the hardest to massage! :)
Good luck!