Watch the rest of No Country for Old Men.
- Half an hour left. 1.22
Page 9 second question how does the visual aesthetic of the film replicate the traditional Western Genre?
Homework deadline Monday:
1) Make notes about the key points made and connections presented within the text. Answer the question, why did the film end in the way it did?
No Country For Old Men - Ending explained
Watch this clip and make notes on the key points and the comparison of the French film. Make sure you write the film title: No Country for Old Men - Another explanation
Analysis of No Country For Old Men
(Eli's class) For those of you on the Art trip can you please ask someone to photograph their notes on themes and characters, and send it to you so you can write your own notes, as we shall be continuing with that on Monday.
Period 6 - Year 12 Block E 3N5
Continue with the PP and making notes.
(Nerea's class) For those of you on the Art trip, this is what you missed. Please copy the notes into your booklet so you are up to date by Monday's lesson. No Country for Old Men catch up for Art Students in period 6 lesson only