David Brent

David Brent
David Brent - If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence you ever tried.

Contacting Mrs Miller

If at any point you need to contact me for support or guidance with your coursework, don't hesitate to contact me on millere@turton.uk.com

Thursday 30 January 2020

Thursday 30th January 2020

Period 1 - Year 12 Film Block A

  • Watch Old Country for Old Men from 23.00 minutes.

Homework deadline tomorrow: Write about the themes presented within the film and the characteristics of the main characters - Ed (Sheriff), Lewellyn Moss (Josh Brolin) and Chigurh (Javier Bardem). What is their perspective on life?

Period 2 - Year 12 Block E  
Watch the rest of No Country for Old Men.
  • 1.30 mins - half an hour left.
Page 9 second question how does the visual aesthetic of the film replicate the traditional Western Genre?

Homework deadline tomorrow:
1) Make notes about the key points made and connections presented within the text. Answer the question, why did the film end in the way it did?

No Country For Old Men - Ending explained

2) Watch this clip and make notes on the key points and the comparison of the French film. Make sure you write the film titleNo Country for Old Men - Another explanation
Analysis of No Country For Old Men

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I will work in the media...sweedie!

I will work in the media...sweedie!
Media Studies GCSE and A'Level, has really took off over the past 15-20 years...with good reason.
We are bombarded by the media everywhere we turn and the mythical 'glamour' of working in the media has increased. And as a result so have the students!
Which is why it is so important for those who are serious about a career in it, to fend off competition by being one step ahead of the game.
If you do want to work in TV, Radio, Games, then I suggest you develop your CV by gaining as much industry experience as possible. Speaking as an ex-tv producer, I can tell you the media is all about networking. Researching companies, meeting people, developing working relationships and maintaining contact (without mythering!).
Your work ethic needs to be willing and able with an awful lot of enthusiastic attached! Those are the qualities all media employers seek.
You may instantly think about the major TV/Radio companies like GTV and BBC when you imagine the word 'Media'. And yes, you'd be silly not to, they're both based in the North West, so they are accessible in that sense, and they do have fantastic learning opportunities on their work placement schemes. However, you may find you gain a different kind of experience if you choose to seek work experience from a smaller independent production company. Your role may be more varied, thereby getting the opportunity to broaden your skillsbase. So think about what kind of experience you are looking for, do you want to learn more about the workings of the industry or would you prefer it to be 'hands on'.

Interview Techniques

The media is all about ideas! I'm sure you have seen various TV companies asking for programme ideas. Well this is because a producer is one idea away from making their mark.
Therefore even before you get to interview stage you should always produce an idea, the risk of someone using it, without employing you is always there, but if you impress them enough they will call you for an interview and hey presto you can really pitch it to them then.
Pitching is important you have to know everything there is to know about the programme...and I mean every detail. You may be asked, and you don't want to go in with an idea you wote 6 months ago and barely remember.
So the key to any interview is PLANNING and PREPARATION.
Make sure you research the company, the type of programmes they make, the type of programmes they are looking to make.
Look at who commission their programmes, what is their area. A company would not pitch a programme idea of a chat show to a commissioner who specialises in documentary.
Double check that the programme isn't already on air, there is no way to find out if a similar show is in development, but I'm sure you'll be told during the interview. If this happens have a back up. It may sound like a lot of work but it will certainly pay off in the end...
So you've got an interview, you've researched the company and programme ideas. The rest is really up to you, the more you prepare the more confident you will feel, and the less painful it will be, because lets face it sometimes they can be when you're starting out.
Another tips is answer every question as best you can, if you can not think of an answer (we've all been there) ask if you can go back to it, don't dismiss what they are asking.
Take notes in with you, try not to read them word for word. Write down key words as prompts this generally helps and you don't always need them.
Try and gain some experience if you haven't got any at interview stage ensure you are "actively in the process of finding some work based learning".
Finally always thank them for their time, and leave pre-production documents like programme ideas, shooting schedules, and budgets.
One last point, which is imperative never go into an interview and give 'negative' feedback about programmes, as you may be asked to. Watch out because the programmes in question are probably produced by the interview pannel. They are not asking in order to catch you out, they do want genuine feedback but there is a way of doing it, perhaps use sentences like "I would perhaps try to enhance it by incorporating...", or even "I wouldn't change it for the world, we love it in our house!" Some people just can't take criticism very well, so it is best to air on the side of caution more often than not. Plus some media egos are the largest in the world, and the hardest to massage! :)
Good luck!